Complete the sentences

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.
   bark      berry      blossom      branch      leaf      root      thorn      trunk   
1. Sue managed to reach the _____________of a tree and climb up to the window.
2. I felt ill after I ate a red _____________ from a bush in the woods.
3. The wall was cracked by the _____________ of a tree growing underneath it.
4. In the autumn, every _____________ on the tree turns yellow and then falls off.
5. Liz hurt herself on a _____________ while she was picking some roses.
6. The _____________ of this tree can be removed and used as a kind of paper.
7. In spring all the apple trees are covered in white _____________,
8. An oak tree has a very broad _____________. Sometimes two meters thick.