Complete the gaps with the following words

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   as      communicate      experiments      intelligent      issues      more      names      noises      solve      split      well      whistling   
Dolphins who according to some, are even 1. 2. than humans, have very well developed (and big) brains. Their brains are bigger than these of chimpanzees, and they have actually developed in a different way 3. 4. . Primates, for example, including us, humans, have very big frontal lobes where planning and decision making takes place. The brains of dolphins have two hemispheres as well. However, theirs are 5. into four lobes instead of three.
Dolphins too can plan and 6. 7. . They also show complicated emotions, and are very, very social. Scientists think that their brains have grown so big exactly because they are social, and constantly 8. with each other.
Another sign of their intellect is their language. Dolphins talk to each other, and even have a way to introduce themselves to other dolphins: sort of personal identification, which resembles the way people use 9. . There have even been 10. with sign and sound languages being taught with comparative success to dolphins. Currently, scientists are trying to communicate with dolphins with special underwater equipment which makes 11. 12. .