Match the text with a correct picture and recall the name of each disaster.

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: this word is used especially of storms in the western Atlantic. It is a violent storm with very strong winds. In other parts of the world, especially Asia, it is called a typhoon.

: a sudden violent movement of the ground causing damage.

: a very large ocean wave that is caused by a storm or earthquake, and which destroys things when it reaches land.

: a volcano is a mountain with a hole in the top, and when it erupts, hot gases and lava are forced out into the air and onto the surrounding land.

: a long period with no rain. Crops die, and people may starve to death.

: caused by a long period of heavy rains. In spring it can appear when rivers come out from their banks.

: the movement of a mass of rock, debris or earth downs a slope due to gravity.

: is a rapid flow of snow down a sloping surface.