Fill in the gaps with someone, no one, something, nothing, nowhere or somewhere:

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.
   no one      nothing      nowhere      someone      something      somewhere   
1 A: I don’t like living in the city. It's so crowded and busy.
B: Oh, I know and there is to park.
2 A: I’m thirsty.
B: Would you like to drink?
3 A: I want to go warm for my holidays.
B: Me too!
4 A: Oh no! We’re lost!
B: Don’t worry. We can ask for help.
5 A: The library is very quiet today.
B: That’s because there is else here.
6 A: I’m so bored. There's to do.
B: Well, we can go to the cinema.